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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i'm quite sad diz days....
i'm out of the marching team!!!!!!!'s all my fault.....
my parents, sure they dun let me come out n practice....
but it's also my fault because i don't dare to ask them....
and i'm busy this days.....
my piano exams......
but 1 thing.....i really liked marching.....
yesterday.....i went to library to see the librarians practice their dance
when i come out.....i saw kyeling, michelle n beatrice was standing at the stairs.....
i don't know why.....i just don't dare to walk there.....
i felt something bad......and i teman-ed christine to toilet.......
when i come out......i saw esther.......i don't know why.....
i wanted to escape also.......
but she walked towards me....
and told me 'eh, you r out of the marching aredy arr'
then i'm like.....'oh....okay'
and i asked why??
then.....i walked to the canteen....
i saw kyeling they all again.....
again.....i wanted to turn around....
but they saw choice but to step up......
then i said.....'i know what u want to tell ne already'
actually, my tears are leaking out but i stopped it..
i dont know why?? i'm like asking myself.....
why my tears are leaking out because of this??
i realized how much i love marching.....
though i cant march really well......
they said is not my fault......but i still think is mine.....
because i cant go for practice....
then i'm quite sad for the whole recess......
i ate more......esther and sook ven were like cheering me up
but i still felt very sad......
then sook ven want me to replace her....
though i hope i could, but i still say no......
another thing......i don't know how to tell my mom......
i scared she will be angry.......
because she don't really want me to go.....
but i went.....and now....i'm telling her i'm not going??
i dont know what's her reaction....... KILL ME plz!!
today.....i'm still a little bit sad.....
but my friends' laughter cheered me up.....
i drank 2 drinks during recess.....
i'm really weird......
i love christine man......though she was quite annoying today.....
she made me forget my sadness......
she use to sing songs for me.....
well, nowadays i'm quite obsessed with raymond lam.....
so we were talking bout him yesterday n today.....
it really made me happy.....hehe =)
i think that's all for 2day......
I LOVE <3>

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